Articles By This Author
America has a long history of violence against black citizens. What response can disrupt patterns set by centuries of racism?
Fania Davis | Jul 8, 2016
Fania Davis explains how Truth and Reconciliation Commissions can help communities heal from a history of racial violence and oppression.
Fania Davis | Jul 10, 2015
South Africans surprised everyone by transitioning to a relatively peaceful post-apartheid society. Here’s what Americans can learn.
Fania Davis, Sarah van Gelder | May 29, 2015
The father and daughter recently published The Book of Forgiving, a guide to help perpetrators and victims embrace their mutual humanity.
Sarah van Gelder, Fania Davis, Miles Schneiderman | May 23, 2015
As executive director of Restorative Justice for Oakland Youth, Fania Davis sees programs like hers as part of the way to end the school-to-prison pipeline.
Fania Davis | Feb 20, 2014